
Fat Disorders: The Role Of Fat In The Human Body

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The human body has a lot of fat in it. They can be stored in specialized cells called adipocytes.Their main function is to fill energy reserves in the body. These cells accumulate energy in the form of lipids which are released back to the body when energy is needed.adipocytes are basically small accumulations of fat that are encased by fibrous connective tissue between muscle and the dermis (deep layer of skin). When these adipocytes begin to store more energy (fat) than is used by the body they grow bigger and body fat begins to accumulate. Fatty acids and glycerol are converted into triacylglycerols which are stored within the adipocytes primarily as an energy store. When energy is required to do work such as anabolism, triacylglycerols …show more content…

Fat in normal women represents between 18% and 20% of body weight, whereas in men it represents only 10% to 15%. The reason for this difference is that women at some point in their lives may nourish a fetus and then a baby from their own reserves. So women have to stock energy in the form of fat in anticipation of future pregnancies. Females tend to store fat on the hips, thighs and buttocks, giving them more of a pear shape. This female pattern is also called gynoid, or gluteal-femoral pattern obesity.The body fat percentage in a healthy, active, athletic woman ranges between 18% and 20%.For most average women who are less active the body fat percentage is much higher. Fat is stored deep in the body cavities, and directly beneath the skin called subcutaneous fat. Men find fat in fat cells from the man's back, flanks, and stomach. Men collect most weight the waist and over the ab muscles. Our bodies need these fat reserves as energy sources and insulation as well as to cushion our internal organs. At no time should an individual attempt to rid their body completely of

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