
Fate And Freewill In The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar

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William Shakespeare’s tragedy called “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar” focuses on the psychological drama of Brutus, Caesar's friend, and his struggle between the clashing demands of honor, patriotism and friendship. Looking at the role of fate and freewill in the play could it be said that fate and/or freewill controls the lives of others. One cannot avoid fate, but rather settle for the outcome. Although Cassius feels that men are masters of their own fate one can say otherwise, because everyone has control of their choices but not of their outcome. Shakespeare has the following characteristics in his play: supernatural events, dreams, suicide, and omens. Supernatural events and omens were well known by Romans at the time.They believed that the gods communicated with them through these. Julius Caesar was the Roman Emperor he who was also God's representative on earth and any disloyal acts against him is foreshadowed and accompanied by an odd supernatural event. The supernatural events that occur within the play fit right in the narrative and also fits into the culture of readers. An example of supernatural event occurred when Casca and Cicero met on a Roman street in the evening, the weather was chaotic and the storm was raging. Both the heaven and earth seem to have been shaken by the Gods above leading Casca to utter “Either there is a civil …show more content…

Calpurnia's initial dream was seeing the statue of Caesar, and blood spewing from it. Also, the citizens washed their hands in the blood. Calpurnia feared that meant that Caesar will die, and convinced Caesar to stay home. At first Caesar listens to her and obeys her wished, but then Decuis comes in and interprets Calpurnia's dream differently. In the following paragraph of “Julius Caesar”, Decius is tells of his “interpretation” of Calpurnia's dream and why there is nothing to worry

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