
Faulkner's Use Of Setting In A Rose For Emily

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Faulkner’s Use of Setting in “A Rose for Emily” In William Faulkner’s short story, A Rose for Emily, the setting plays an immense role in explaining the reason behind the demise of Emily Grierson a prominent town resident. The explanation of her demise is shown in the description of the house that she lived in, the horrendous odor that emanated from her property; along with a timeline that is fluid, moving from present, to past, to present again. Faulkner uses this setting to mirror the physical and mental decay of Miss Emily over the years. Through his description of setting, the reader sees a clear image of the character of Miss Emily Grierson and her downfall. The setting represents a town in transition from the Civil War into a more modern time, Miss Emily Grierson and her house remain fixed in time-stubborn. The house, having “once been white…[and] set on what had once been our most select street” provides fading …show more content…

Unfortunately, the next mayor did not agree and set a group of men to call on Miss Emily for payment. Faulkner paints an image of a forgotten house with forgotten inhabitants using strong sensory details, “It smelled of dust and disuse-- a close, dank smell…and when they sat down, a faint dust rose sluggishly about their thighs, spinning with slow motes in the single sun-ray.” The use of sensory detail shows the decay of the house and the decay of Miss Emily. The image of “a tarnished gilt easel before the fireplace stood a crayon portrait of Miss Emily's father” provides a hint to the character of Emily as being childish or suffering from some sort of mental dementia. Of course, Miss Emily did not accept the request to pay the taxes and asked the gentlemen to leave. The setting of timeline continues to show stubbornness of the character of

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