Fear is a natural part in the life of every person; there is a reason or reasons behind all fear, whether the fear is instinctive or acquired, through the course of life. The one thing that I’m afraid of is clowns. It all started when I was three or four years old and I thought it was going to hurt me or haunt me so every time a clown comes close to me, I get scared because of its makeup and what they put on their face because I freak out when I see a clown, so I feel like I’m always scared of a clown when I see one because of the laughs and how they talk in their little squeaky voice because it’s scary and creepy, I also believe that they were going to hurt me or take me away do something bad to me because of their makeup and how they would
The Quad City Clown Troupe is a life time member of the World Clown Association (WCA). The troupe is also a member of the Midwest Clown Association (MCA). The link to the MCA round-up information is: http://www.midwestclownassociation.org/2018-roundup.html. You will find more information there. You can also look through some of the pictures of previous round-ups.
Fear. Fear Is not just being afraid of that Clown that just follows you around on halloween night scaring everybody in sight. Fear is the emotion in the back of your mind that torments you every waking moment. It tells you what to say and keeps you from letting things out, even when sometimes the best thing for you is to let it out. “Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.” quoted by unknown.
Clowns are draped all over social media and the news. People are using clown outfits just to get a popular video up on the internet. Clowns showing up by lampposts and chasing people around city streets. They send a mind crippling fear into people when they think of being in a situation with a killer clown. Imagine walking down what could be any street when you look down an old dirt road that you have passed a million times; You see it, it is what looks to be a blood thirsty clown waiting for a victim. Ironically it is most likely a guy who wants a funny video or just trying to get a good Halloween scare. A killer clown who is actually just a regular guy in a clown mask from Target... wait Target has missed out on huge clown mask sales due
In the “Creeped out by clowns? This might be why,” article, by Frank T. Mcandrew the article looks deeper into as to why the clown sightings have frightened so many people, versus why they are occurring. According to his research clowns are the perfect mix to be terribly frightening (Mcandrew). With a clown being covered in makeup and an unfitting costume, humans are unable to pick up social cues from the clown.The ambiguity of the clown is what creates the fear factor among citizens.
I am terrified of clowns, I always have been. But my fear of clowns really started when I was in 6th grade. I went through a haunted maze and a man in a clown mask popped out at me. I screamed and I broke down crying. The man took off his mask and told me he was sorry and I walked out of the maze and I have hated clowns ever since. When I saw the clown, my vision went from color to black and white. That is why my day went from amazing to terrifying. Transformation obviously creates fear. This can be seen in the following three stories as well. “Beware: do not read this poem”, “Fall of the House of Usher”, and “House Taken Over.”
Another common factor in the development and course of specific phobias are traumatic experiences. For example, patients who have been attacked by an animal can develop a specific phobia and become conditioned to fearing the animal. Patients who witness others experiencing a trauma are at risk of developing a specific phobia related to that trauma. This is due to the people experiencing the trauma becoming a behavior model for the patient that will be affected. For example, patients who watch as someone falls from a building may develop a specific phobia of heights or falling. Phobias with a traumatic origin can develop acutely, or, in other words, they can become phobias more suddenly than other phobias that develop more gradually. Changes
What started as a series of "creepy clown" sightings in some regions of the United States, with people dressed up as clowns and supposably trying to lure children into the woods, has become a growing problem. Threats on social media and sightings of the clowns have led to school closings and warnings from law enforcement, along with more than a dozen arrests. On August twenty ninth residents at the Fleetwood Manor Apartments in Greenville County, South Carolina, reported seeing a person wearing a clown costume had been spotted around the apartment complex trying to convince children to come into the woods. On September fourth, police in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, receive a call about a clown looking to lure children into the woods.
I hate clowns they scare the crap out of me. I have had bad experiences with clowns at haunted houses so I am terrified of them. I do not see why someone would go to the doctor or anything like this. People are strange and such . There is many more bizarre ways to dress and present yourself, just clowns came to my mind.
Grace Dahlberg One of my greatest fears is clowns, or coulrophobia. This phobia affects ten to twenty percent of the population. The majority of clowns have crazy looking makeup on their faces and the thick red lipstick around their mouths can make them appear quite eccentric. Their wild curly hair is also a turnoff. Clowns also have very large feet and gigantic shoes, which I find very odd. One more thing that clowns do that I do not care for is use a cartoon-sounding voice when they talk to children. I would come unglued if, while trick or treating, I encountered a clown. When I catch a glimpse of clowns strolling in parades and creating balloons at carnivals, I become quite nervous and will not go anywhere near them. One summer, we
To me, they are extremely creepy, but for some reason I don’t really know why i’m frightened from them. I mean, why are people scared of clowns if they were meant to make people happy? This is because the fear develops
For children, most can recognize the clown as a real person but cannot recognize the exaggerate make up and clothing as being real this confusion leads to fear. For adults, the fear of clowns can be a result of a childhood trauma by a bad experience or with exposure to clowns in movies or television.
The World Clown Association shares laugh and "comic relief" everywhere for the positive, wholesome, enjoyment of their audiences. It is true that various horror clown portrayals work against our goal. We hope our audience realizes that there are different categories in entertainment.
Known as a mental disorder a phobia is a persistent fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to compelling desire to avoid it. Phobias tend to affect the way people live their lives, for example, their working and social environments, considering that they last for a very long time and are capable to cause intense psychological physical stress. It is considered today the most common mental and anxiety disorder in the United States (Matig Mavissakalian & David H. Barlow 1981 pp 2). There are many phobias such as: the fear of aging, fear of changing, fear of clowns, fear of getting fat, fear of being in closed spaces, etc.
My fear is Lepidopterophobia, which is the word for fear of butterflies. Many times I have been letting others know about my fear and they always thought it was very funny because butterflies are very small and beautiful. However, I have reason to fear it. My fear has happen since
According to my dictionary, Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. When the word "fear" comes to my mind, I think of an emotion that's caused by a bad situation. There are many things in this world that put fear in me. My greatest fears are computer viruses, thugs, sick people, and clowns. Each of these fears make me very scared and give me goosebumps.