
Federalism And Freedom Of Speech

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I. Introduction A. Even though freedom of speech is a great right to encompass, freedom of speech is not a black and white issue, you can't say something's. Freedom of speech can be negative, and you have to follow stipulations to ensure protections of the first amendment.
II. Positive and negative implications for federalism related to freedom of speech. A. Federalism impacts freedom of speech in a positive way by allowing people to use pure speech or symbolic speech to express how they feel, without getting in . As a matter of fact, a great example of this would be gangster rap back in the late 80's. The perception of rap music still controversial by the media, politicians, and others criticizing the dramatic, violent, and often antisocial imagery that rap music sometimes embodies.( Schneider, C. 2011) …show more content…

One negative impact that federalism has on freedom of speech is that it protects everyone, including people who protest, pickets, and demonstrations of hate speech. . One of the biggest cases that we have experience is the case of Snyder vs. Phelps. This case considered to have one of the most uniquely hateful groups, the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, who are a small fringe religious group, that notably tries to live by the bible. The case happened in March 2006, the issue of the case was whether Westboro's signs and comments while picketing Mathew Snyder's funeral related to matters of public concern and were, thus, entitled to greater protection under the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment. ("Facts and Case,"2011, Facts section,

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