
Feed Machine Advantages And Disadvantages

Satisfactory Essays

There are advantages and disadvantages that will be exist if we using the feed machine instead of not using any machines. The advantages that we can observe is save time and energy. This is because every machine that had been invented is high technology and can do a various function for a long period of time. Since that the machine can do a various function, we can say that we can save a lot of time because the machine can produce a lot of feed in a short period of time and the feed also can be produced fast and in economic way. In the aspect of energy, we can also save the energy since that there are reduction of workers that will be used because of the machine can do their activities by their own without any disturbance from other things. Besides …show more content…

The animal performance also can be improved when the feed are more uniformed in size and shape compared to powder diet, so they can be taken easily by the animals due to their high density. The feed also become more compact of the nutrients and energy that will make the size of the animals become increased rapidly. The size of the pellet become uniform in size and shape is due to the feed pellet mill that functions as to make the ingredients to become a pellet. The feed machine also function to decreased feed wastage because of the pelleting process prevents the segregation of ingredients in a mixing, handling or feeding process, so animals can take in all the nutrition contained in the feed. Other than that, the heat generated from the pelleting process in conditioning and pelleting make the feedstuffs more digestible by breaking down the starches. From this situation, the pellet will become more palatable to the animals. After that, feed machine also can reduce the selective feeding among the animals because of most of the ingredients of the formulation had already in the

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