
Felis Cat Research Paper

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The scientific name for a cat is Felis Catus.
Most house cats - although they’re much safer inside from disease and danger tend to be overweight and underactive. Cats like people and dogs benefit from being both fit and active. Exercise is a need for your cat’s mental and physical health because it relieves stress and boredom, improves circulation, builds muscle, and can prevent or reduce behavioral problems. Cats like movement so the toy must be one that can move rapidly and in unpredictable ways just like a mouse or bird. Cats like to scratch and stretch and need to exercise their paws to keep their claws in good shape. Many cats like squeaky toys but some cats are startled by it so introduce them carefully. You can increase the interest …show more content…

When it's dried and crushed, it gives off an odor that has a powerful effect on some (though not all) cats.
Many of your cat's toys should be interactive. This kind of play is important for your cat, because she needs active "people time"—and such play strengthens the bond between you and your cat.
A favorite among cats and kittens, poles and teaser usually come with feathers, ribbons or other enticing items attached. Most cats love it if you animate the target, so keep the line moving and watch as she leaps through the air and performs graceful tricks. This type of play is great for sharpening your kitten's natural skills like stalking, chasing, or pouncing, without making you the prey.
Cats and kittens love small, furry toys that resemble other creatures. These toys look like prey and stimulate predatory instincts.
Scratching is a normal cat behavior. Scratching helps cats remove the outer layers of their claws.This also helps your cat mark their territory.
This is especially important if the cat stays indoors all the time and does not get the stimulation they get outside.
Catnip is a herb native to Europe and it has an effect on many …show more content…

The reason for this is because the cats eyes have tapetum lucidum, which reflects any light that passes through the retina.
Cats also have awesome hearing. They can hear high-pitched sounds better than dogs or humans. They can detect frequencies from 55 Hz to 79,000 Hz. A range of 10.5 octaves, while humans and dogs have ranges of about 9 octaves. Cats can hear ultrasound which is important while hunting because many rodents make ultrasonic calls.
Cats have a very good sense of smell due to their well developed olfactory bulb. Cats are sensitive to pheromones such as 3-mercapto-3-methylbutan-1-ol, which they use to communicate through urine spraying and marking with scent glands. Many cats also respond strongly to catnip. About 70%-80% are affected.
Cats have fewer taste buds compared to humans. Cats have 470 while humans have 9,000 on the human tongue.
The average cat lifespan is 15 years old. Although the oldest living cat was Creme Puff, which lives 38 years.
Cats can fit into any opening the size of their head because they don’t have a collar bone.
You should play with your cat everyday. Provide toys that allow them to chase and run after the

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