
Femininity, Independence And Tradition In Jamaica Kincaid's Girl And Story Of An Hour

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In both of the stories, “Girl” and “Story of an Hour”, woman's femininity, independence and tradition are shown in many examples. Both tales depict a story of a woman trying to discover their independence and learning the ways of how women are expected to act. They can both be seen as feminists for wanting to be independent but having oppressors such as parents and spouses stopping them from being who they want to be. During the time both short stories were written and where they were written, similar things were expected of women despite the time period difference. In the 1970’s in the Caribbean, women were expected to take care of the house and their families. In the 1890’s, women were not allowed to do anything and be their own people in any way as long as they were married. These are similar because in both periods, women were forced into being led around by others. In “Girl” written by Jamaica Kincaid, the story follows a mother giving her daughter a long strain of advice and tasks she needs to learn how to do. The advice she gives is important and teaches the girl life skills and lessons while also scolding her. This story also reflects the oppression of women during this era, being the late 1970’s. The girl's mother tells her what a girl must do in their society and what she mustn't do. She says to her, “this is how to love a man, and if this doesn’t work there are other ways,” It shows how much is expected of a girl, from washing white clothing on Monday and

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