
Feminism And Its Effect On Society

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As stated before, America in the Reagan period was not comfortable with homosexuality, which resulted in denial about AIDS and in-turn general unawareness regarding the disease. At that time if a person was diagnosed with AIDS, they were automatically labelled as gay, despite the medical inaccuracy of that generalization. The discrimination was so strong, that AIDS became a part of the homosexual identity. There have been instances where a man, who identified as homosexual, was considered untouchable and automatically was assumed to have had AIDS or cases where patients diagnosed with AIDS were assumed to be gay. This ignorant perspective negatively branded the gay community, which caused homosexual men to feel as if they must repress their true selves in order to successfully function and fit into American society. A fact to be noted is that though Angels in America was written as a sort of advocacy for gay men, there is a clear presence of femininity that is important to discuss. Femininity is, by definition, the womanliness of something. This play challenges the meaning of femininity through its use of female characters and homosexual men. There is a distinction seldom made between what it means to be feminine as a woman and what it means to be feminine as a man. When a man is gay, stereotypes cause some to automatically assume that he possesses physicalities, and traits that are typically associated with females. This idea contrasted with Tony Kushner’s presentation of

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