
Feminism And Social, Political, And All Other Rights Of Women

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According to the website feminism is “the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.” While that statement is not necessarily wrong, it is awfully vague. The reason this statement is so vague is, according to many researchers, because feminism is an incredibly complex concept with many different interpretations. Susan Hekman (2013), for example, interprets feminism to be a radical movement that challenges the very fundament of modernism, which is a repeated theme in her studies. Despite this broad statement and the general definition it provides, Hekman does acknowledge that feminism is not simply one uniform concept, but rather, a plethora of interpretations, which she calls “feminisms.” One form that she describes is Marxist/Socialist feminism, which is derived from modernist roots and generally speaking, rejects liberalism. The other form that is mentioned in her research is contemporary feminism, which primarily relies on liberal ideas. From those two broad groups different subcategories of feminism are formed, not only by societies but also by individuals. Despite the clear differences between the two main forms of feminism, and truthfully, any feminism, they are all based on challenging the masculine versus feminine dichotomy that is so prominent in society.
Through diligent research by another female writer, by the name of Nancy F. Cott, one will see a strange occurrence within the female

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