
Feminism In Mad Max

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Film making, many would argue, has gone through quite the substantial change since it’s initial coining just before the turn of the 19th century. But one would argue, that the largest amount of this change has came quite recently or more so in the latter part of films history as a whole. One of the largest changes haven taken place, is the role of women in film. Once upon a time having a very set role in the industry, such as editing for example. To mention briefly the likes of Dede Allen, Verna Fields, Thelma Schoonmaker and so forth. However our female counterparts now occupy virtually every aspect of the film industry that males do; and in many instances excel past us. Quite clearly this change has taken place behind the lens, but has it …show more content…

Feminist film theory was, in the early period, especially concerned with representation and sexuality and its relation to the dominance of the male power structure within a patriarchal society.” (Nelmes, 2006, p.251)

Mad Max: Fury Road, is almost the narrative reversal of Fifty Shades of Gray, when considering the roles of women in each film. However the manner of how women in Mad Max are portrayed visually is still somewhat evocative, given their initial circumstance being that of sex objects for the tyrannical Immortan Joe. However the manner in which Miller depicts these females towards the end of the film being key players in large action set piece where in they actively fight for their libration is the films redemption, in that it is ultimately a film not of objectification but of the struggle and fight against it.

“The triumph of Mad Max: Fury Road doesn’t necessarily lie in its championing of women – it is, ultimately, hardly bringing any revolutionary ideas to contemporary gender politics, but rather in the packaging of these ideas. Miller has succeeded in making a multi-layered statement regarding the

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