
Feminism Vs 3rd Wave Feminism

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3: The first obvious difference between 2nd and 3rd wave feminism is time: 2nd wave occurred mostly in the 1960s and 1970s, while 3rd wave is generally considered to take place in the 1990s and later. Additionally, 3rd wave focuses more on the individual experience and possible intersectionality, as opposed to 2nd wave, which focused more on women receiving legal rights. Chapter 1 of Women’s Studies discusses the advances the 2nd wave movement brought about, particularly in the cases of Roe v. Wade, adding Gender and Women’s Studies to a number of colleges and universities, the Equal Pay Act in 1963, Title VII, as well as a commission to enforce these anti-discriminatory laws (Shaw and Lee, 7). While this did make a difference in the lives of many women, legal change without societal change (as those who enforce the legal system are still socialized in our culture) can be unproductive.
This is where 3rd wave feminism seeks to improve upon their predecessors. While 2nd wave feminism concentrated on collective action and measurable results, 3rd wave focuses on the individual experience, and particularly the experiences of queer women. 2nd wave feminism’s goals were more concrete, and so it is easy to imply that their goal was reached, and that women are equal to men. However, 3rd wave feminism’s agenda is vaguer and focuses on systemic issues, making it harder to determine what a mutually agreed upon solution would look like. Because of this ambiguity, a prominent weakness is

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