
Feminist Psychology Can Credit The Majority Of Its Influences Of The Women 's Rights Movement

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Feminist psychology can credit the majority of its influences of the women’s rights movement of the 60’s. Since this movement was classified as grassroots, no one has been credited as an originator or founder of this particular theory. Feminists attempted to collect elements of multiple successful psychological theories but attempted to eliminate any sexist aspects of those theories. The primary focus is on guiding women in confidence, communication, self-worth, and interactions. Feminist therapy also placed focus on empowering clients by helping them see the effects of gender issues and aiming to change the conversation rather than sidestep it. Important acknowledgements to make toward possible sources of psychological difficulties are: sex roles, minority status, and socialization in society.
Equality serves as a core concept; consequently, the therapist is viewed as an equal in the relationship, whose outside perspective can provide guidance and new information. However, the client has the power to create a preferred outcome in their own life. During this time, the therapist is tasked with helping the client understand the cause of their dysfunction and then to assist in developing strategies for battling these difficulties. The name is deceiving, but feminist therapy is not only suitable for women. Men can benefit from this therapeutic process as well, as they are also known to deal with social and gender role restrictions (the demands of strength, autonomy, and

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