
Feminist Views in S. Rushdie's Good Advice Is Rarer Than Rubies

Decent Essays

Feminist views in S. Rushdie's Good Advice Is Rarer Than Rubies

The purpose of this essay is to analyse S. Rushdie's Good Advice Is Rarer Than Rubies from feminist perspective. To fully understand the views that Rushdie exhibited, with respect to feminist approach , it's important to notice the contrast between men's expectations about women in Islamic culture and the unforeseen behaviour of Miss Rehana, claiming her freedom.

Good Advice Is Rarer Than Rubies is a moralistic tale about the meaning of freedom, the story centralizes interaction between Miss Rehana, a woman applying to leave her country for England, and Muhammad Ali, a trickster who offers to aid women like Rehana in their appeals for a price. …show more content…

Because of their beauty ,women are underestimated , in this case Miss Rehana,. People used to think about beauty women that they are weak and incapacitated to do the same thing that men do. This sexist theory unfortunately is still used in our days to play down the figure of women in countries like Pakistan. We believe that S. Rushdie uses this way of think to break in the end our expectation about Miss Rehana , and highlight more the independence and freedom of women. Miss Rehana is portrayed like an independent , cleaver and beautiful woman ,as we notice in “ ..the strange , big-eyed , independent girl..” (6) , “...but Miss Rehana had come on her own , and did not seem at all alarmed..” (6) and “.. veiling her beauty from the eyes of strangers..”(5). With this description S. Rushdie is warning us to take into account her final purposes .When Rehana come out to the consulate is very happy and calm, so that M. Ali and all of us (readers) think that she has accepted the deal which M. Ali did. But She didn't, Miss Rehana has failed the test .In fact , She does not want to leave her town, would rather live the life she knows than to escape to an arranged marriage. She breaks out all our expectations, and readers can not understand why a girl of her position rejects the opportunity to go to live a new life in London, that great city. She seeks her own will rather than the ways of tradition and the

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