
Essay On Feral Cat Mitigation

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Feral Cat Mitigation Efforts: TNR and More With feral cats posing ecological and public health threats, many different techniques, reflecting a range of moral and ethical values, have been proposed and implemented. TNR is considered one of the most humane methods, but other methods that exist include euthanasia, trap and eradication, and more intensive versions of TNR that include vaccinations and rehabilitations. These methods vary in their effectiveness, practicality, cost and social acceptance. Additionally, differences in how people perceive animals and their intrinsic value, have made feral cat mitigation efforts an extremely charged topic for animal welfare advocates, policy makers, conservationists and pet owners. When analyzing methods, it’s important to evaluate what their goals are in terms of managing feral cat populations, state their ethical and moral perspective, and determine their effectiveness. Additionally, their impact on cat behavior will be explored using evidence from a variety of related studies, which will serve to assist in judging the effectivity of the population control method. The method for controlling feral cat populations that is focused on in this paper is TNR, which stands for Trap-Neuter-Release (though, for clarity, the term “neuter” refers to sterilization of both male and female cats). This method is extremely popular around the world due to the fact that it is considered extremely humane; rejecting the idea that healthy feral cats

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