
Feral Cats Research Paper

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Feral cats kill tens of millions of native animals every night and are found across Australia. Unfortunately, there are currently no effective strategies for landscape-scale control of feral cats. However, AWC is at the forefront of efforts to reduce the impact of cats.
We are conducting the largest feral cat research program in Australia’s history in an attempt to unlock the secret to eradicating feral cats. -AWC has collared more than 50 cats with GPS tracking devices at Mornington-Marion Downs which has provided an in-depth understanding of their ecology and impacts.
-We have developed the largest and most advanced monitoring program to more accurately measure cat densities using camera traps to identify individuals. The population of feral cats on Mornington-Marion Downs is estimated at …show more content…

We have developed the largest and most advanced monitoring program to more accurately measure cat densities using camera traps to identify individuals. The population of feral cats on Mornington-Marion Downs is estimated at approximately 1,200 cats.
AWC has two specially-trained feral-cat detector dogs at Mornington.
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We protect ground cover by controlling feral herbivores and delivering effective fire management – this limits the impact of feral cats by ensuring native animals have more cover and easier access to food.
We protect dingo populations because dingoes influence the behaviour of feral cats by harassing and sometimes killing them.
We manage more feral cat and fox-free areas on mainland Australia than any other organisation: -Scotia, in western NSW, contains a feral predator-free area of 8,000 hectares. This is the largest fox and cat-free area on mainland

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