
Feros And Monod: An Analysis

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The symbiotic relationship between man and religion has shaped numerous cultures and nations. During the Renaissance, the church, and various monarchies worked hand in hand to rule over their people. Kings and Queens were no longer ordinary. Instead, they were chosen by God to lead their respective nations, therefore, becoming something more than human. The differences between Feros and Monod is that despite their shared acknowledgment that religion played a monumental role in empowering the monarchy, Monod seems to think religion was more powerful than the monarchies, while Feros hints that it was possible for Kings and Queens to become just as important as religion. In the "Sacred and Terrifying Gazes" by Antonio Feros, he begins by discussing three steps Spanish royalty achieved their position as monarchs empowered by God. Originally, they would promote their royal authority through symbolism in royal images. However, the portrayal of the monarchy began to change after the conquest of Mexico. Hernan Cortez noticed that the Aztec ruler was viewed as a deity …show more content…

Philip II was able to gain power by becoming the Church’s knight in shining armor. However, was just a stepping stone in accumulating power within the Church. In the print “Christ and Philip II” Jesus and Phillip are portrayed side by side. It mentions biblical references of royal power comes from God. It also encourages the people to serve the King faithfully because to serve the King is to serve God. Vice versa to disobey the King is to disobey God. While the image does not blatantly say the King is God, it does encourage the viewer to notice the physical similarities between Jesus and Philip

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