
Ficticious Recount of Professional Profficiency

Decent Essays

As asserted, I am known worldwide and one well respected writer as a published author and expert editor by countless publishers, business entities, and to my vast, and pervasive readership I have acquired over the many years within writing successes. With an "awe aspiring" success have I resoundingly with great effort to date published with great diligence insomuch as profound endurance haven again, of me--to date renowned in the publishing domain in both the United States and in Germany and other Europe countries like England. Thus far to date I have published fifty-seven (57) books and play scripts on and about those imagined of any one writer who created and them considered an established poet laureate to volumes of poetry, one as well of writer for children' books, who with their name built up their reputation with such of them being a writer of the horror genre, and proudly one of an American novelist of 'love and romance & suspense books', and having a passion and devotion to his having a tenure of twenty-five years being devout playwright--where last year I finally after twenty-years of work and producing the play script--with thus allowing me as the original playwright to complete Heaven Only Knows--The Professional Theatrical Production Play Script for On-Broadway and Off-Broadway performances. I wish to firstly share with my reader a quote I my-soon-to-be-published four volume series of books--a quote from my upcoming--four volume

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