
Fidel Castro's Success Of The Cuba Revolution

Decent Essays

Cuba is a very small country located in South America, right under the mighty United States of America. During the 1950s, Cubans were undergoing the first mission of trying to overthrow the current government which was led by Batista (Source 6). Ultimately success of the Cuba Revolution, in 1959, came about. In a way to govern the country and make sure it runs smoothly “The Provisional government [was put into place] from the 1st of January 1959” (Source 6). Fidel Castro seized the position of Prime Minister in Cuba and would stay in charge for approximately 49 years. Before the Cuba Revolution, Fidel Castro envisioned a way to improve and drastically change the way people in Cuba were living. Fidel Castro looked to improve conditions of living …show more content…

These transitions can be closely associated with Fidel Castro’s economic policies, like almost making Cuba a “two-tier economy” (Source 2). One of the changes were the means of production, Fidel Castro’s goal was to “adhere to socialist principles” (Source 1) by making the government run and own all the production that was inside Cuba. This was Fidel Castro’s strategy to improve the country as a whole which meant the government had money to provide for the poor. The agricultural platform was utilized in respects of “boosting food production”, this was accomplished in one of the policies they called reforms. Adapting to this sort of way, would have negative and positive effects on the conditions of living in Cuba. Since Cuba was now providing their own means of food through this reform, people in Cuba could now afford basic foods. However on the other hand, this reform put most of the people at an uncomfortable position, as now starting such a reform requires millions if not billions. Cuba was “dependent on credit accounts” from multiple countries just to start such a reform (Source 1). This would inevitably become an “atrocious destruction of the [economy]” (Source 4). Fidel Castro’s reform destroyed what was left on Cuba, doing more negative than the intended positive. The conditions of living in Cuba from 1959 were very questionable, proving that the decline was

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