
Cuba And Its Effects On America

Decent Essays

The history of Cuba has gone through many dramatic changes affecting not only the economy but the citizens as well. On January 1st, 1969 Dictator Fulgenico Batiste (Fidel Castro) fled the Island of Cuba, with his revolutionaries seizing control with the U.S backing the situation. This caused chaos and excitement in Havana, rumbling the idea of "anti-americanism." This relates back to the conflict theory, as this had a great impact on the citizens of Cuba, causing more hate on america and its people causing conflict and negativity. Within all of this chaos with Fidel Castro and Cuba’s people, America still supported the Island of Cuba. As time passed this situation caused great suspicion as the US was not sure of Castro’s intentions and his leftist ideology, thinking this would lead to an attack from Castro on US investments and properties in Cuba. American officials were nearly unanimous opposing Castro’s revolutionary movement. Second would be the White House loosening the travel restrictions on Cuba allowing more " people to people contact" during January 2011. For decades the U.S. isolation of Cuba has failed to accomplish their objective of empowering Cubans to build an open and democratic country. This constrained and isolated the US regional and international partners, even though this was only for a good cause it had little effect. With time passing this situation has really turned around helping those with general licenses have family visits,

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