
Fifty Shades Of Grey Domestic Violence

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The article highlights a paradoxical statistic of sexual violence and domestic abuse in the country over the last years. The exponentially increased number of such reported incidents of abuse, sheds light on the social and emotional factors that might have been the reason for such changes. Among those several factors, the influence of the infamous movie Fifty shades of grey has on its audiences wide spread around the world, is arguable. Fifty shades of grey, an erotic romantic drama film by Sam Taylor Johnson based on a novel by the British author E.L James was an immediate box office success, breaking numerous box office records. Thus, this movie created a current popular culture of eroticism and played a role in defining domestic abuse. The fan following the movie has created all over the world is immense and therefore it could influence the audience to alter their beliefs and attitudes of domestic abuse.
The premier of fifty shades of grey in London was faced with controversies as the campaigners were protesting the way the “book and the film glamorizes domestic violence”. The campaigners argue that the film “romanticizes abusive relationships” and is also “becoming a part of our popular …show more content…

The community also strictly advocates the motto “Safe, sensual and consensual” and consent is the key factor which differentiates abuse from BDSM.But the relationship that the movie depicts is not a true BDSM relationship “the control Grey possesses is a lot subtler and more dangerous”. In Fifty shades of grey Ana is coerced into having sex, but the domestic abuse is not only limited to this, it is the control that Christian have on her actions. The BDSM community has outspoken on this issue of the portrayal of BDSM relationship in the movie and states that “Fifty shades of grey are not about fun, It’s about

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