
Figurative Language In Moby Dick

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As Christmas day approached, the Pequod set sail at dawn when the sun was just waking up from her previous night’s slumber. Aboard the ship, there was great commotion, as the crew was getting ready for the long journey ahead. Herman Melville, author of the novel Moby Dick, takes this common beginning scene and morphs it into something demonic. Melville uses stylistic techniques to accurately portray the “new” Pequod and the bleak environment it has now become. In the novel Moby Dick, Herman Melville uses alliteration, figurative language, and critical word choice to create a visual reality of the Pequod by describing the bleak appearances of the sailors and the hellish environment of the try-pots, which conveys the mood of hopelessness and ultimately foreshadow the inevitable doom the ship faces. In order to bring the Pequod to life, Melville personifies the fire burning the blubber to sneak up on the sailors and attack, indicating that its flames are a denaturing and destructive force. This foreshadows the death of all but one, at the end of the story by implying that a destructive force of nature will come upon them, and by the time they realize it, it will be too late. In this particular scene, Melville depicts the Try-pots as a dark and grungy place, filled with fire and smoke, where the only source of light, are the flames. He even goes as far to say that, “the snaky flames darted, curling, out of the doors to catch them by the feet.” This depicts an eerie and

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