I can tell you the authors style in the book In November by Cynthia Rylant. The style in her writings are mostly personification or figurative language. I know this because on page 4 it says "spreading there arms like dancers" based on what I read Cynthia Rylant uses personification also uses a simile. The book In November Cynthia uses tree limbs as dancers. She give a descriptive look as what the tree looks like. Cynthia Rylant uses a human action to a non human thing.
Introduction The book, The Unwanteds, by Lisa McMann, is an adventurous story about a creative boy named Alex, and his very bland and boring twin brother Aaron. Alex and Aaron are split apart because Alex took the blame for something that Aaron did, and at the Purge, when they were both thirteen years old, Alex was sent to his death, and Aaron was sent to the university of Quill, where he would become a governor. Alex, however lived because of a man named Mr Today, and the secret world of Unwanteds. Aritme was full of talking statues, magical creatures, and lots and lots of colors.
In the short story "The Ascent", the author, Ron Rash, uses figurative language throughout the story that urges the reader to believe that the the whole story revolves around a theme of being unlucky. First, Ron Rash has added the simile, “A woman was in the passenger seat, her body bent forward like a horseshoe” (Rash 280). For centuries, horseshoes have been associated with luck when they are upright. However when horseshoes are bent over that is associated with luck running out. In the story, the fifth grade protagonist, Jared, is wandering in the woods and stumbles upon an airplane that crashed a week before. When Jared walks in, he sees the dead woman, bent over like a horseshoe, which represents her luck running out. Considering
“Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live,” from the thoughts of Eli Wiesel after his first night at camp (Wiesel 34). The Holocaust, lasting over ten years, not only did it seize the lives of millions, it disfigured the souls of corpses who survived. Gratefully some of these outlasts shared their stories to protect society’s future. In Night, Eli Wiesel uses foreshadowing, imagery and figurative language to illustrate the brutality aspect of humanity.
In the “deadline”, by Chris Crutcher the author includes a tremendous pleasant way of explaining the character’s feeling with figurative language. The main character’s is Ben, Doctor Wagner, Marla, Dawson, Coach Banks, Cody, and Dallas Suzuki. The doctor gives Ben the terrible news that he has a year to live because Ben has blood cancer. He talks to Marls, to come with a pain and he decides to fast forward his life. The author uses figurative language to enhance the main character’s feelings.
Cynthia Rylant style in the book, In November is enjoyable. She uses a type of figurative language called personification. She uses different amount of figurative language. The type of figurative language she uses the most is personification. In the story the author states that the birds that were moving were serius. The birds that were not moving were still being serious. This example of personification is saying the birds were being serious, but they can't. The author used a human quality to describe the birds. I think the author's style is very good. Personification is when you give a nonhuman object a thing that only humans do, like a bird being serious.
Ron Carlson wrote “Happiness”, a trip with a father, his two sons Nick and Colin, and brother Regan. Visiting the families cabin in Utah to fish for the last time as the Father says goodbye and makes sure his sons are prepared for him to pass. Carlson’s central idea throughout the story is that family needs to remember the happy times to be prepared for the hard ones and be able to uphold the traditions. Carlson uses setting to focus on the importance of family, tradition and an extremely familiar setting to show the happy times shared. Carlson uses language such as imagery to imprint the landscape into the reader’s mind, figurative language to show the close nature of the family’s relationship and diction visualize the importance of tradition. Tone is used by Carlson to convey
Conway achieves the writer's duty because she was able to write her memoirs based on events in her life that were meaningful, such as overcoming trials after the death of her father and brother. She also used figurative language,symbolism and parallelism to explain and connect different parts of her life. Conway uses a form of figurative language called a metaphor to speak about the Warsaw Ghetto, that is experiencing death and famine (pg. 183). Parallelism is used to show her connection with education and liberation. Conway found herself in school and learning, thus it made her feel free. Though Conway had a troubled childhood stricken with the death of her father & brother, had to care for her mother after her health declined, and other
In Ann Petry’s novel, The Street, the wind and the city come alive through Petry’s use of personification, imagery, and figurative language. The wind is bullying the people on the streets and Lutie Johnson is one of them. Lutie just moved to the city and is looking for a place to stay but the wind is trying to keep her out.
The use of figurative language in the novel of Thirteen Reasons Why help to communicate the theme of the book by allowing the author, Jay Asher demonstrates what the character is through. By using figurative language the character can express all the emotions she has kept bottled up inside. She can finally let out all the melancholy, rage, and all weight that was on her chest. By revealing the readers her story, Asher can teach the readers that words that you choose to say and words that you choose to believe can damage more than physically hurting a human being. To prove this statement, Asher uses a metaphor saying, “it’s a knife in my back because you would rather believe some made-up rumor than what you knew to be true” (page.68). Yes she
In this passage of The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, the reader obtains a very in depth description of what the Walls Family home in Welch is like once they move in. The author is this text is conveying how poor of a state their new home is. Walls uses the literary element figurative language to reveal the state of their home to the reader.
‘Jasper Jones’ is written by the author Craig Silvey. The story evolves in Australia, in a small mining town called Corrigan. It all begins when Jasper Jones, comes to thirteen year old Charlie Bucktin’s window one night and asks him for some help. Charlie has no idea that these events would unfold into a horrifying discovery. Nevertheless, the thrill of Jasper's desperate plea for help draws Charlie out of his bedroom window and into the moonlit night. Not wanting to be blamed again, Jasper swears to Charlie that events that have happened must be kept a secret. Now it’s up to the two boys to uncover the truth and put things into place before the town once again turns against Jasper. As the summer creeps by, Charlie finds it increasingly difficult
This week we had a lot of good poems to read, but the one that stood out the most to me was probably "The Author to Her Book" by Anne Bradstreet. The author uses lots of figurative language. For example the author writes "I washed thy face, but more defects I saw, And rubbing off a spot, still made a flaw." In that sentence Bradstreet used a lot of metaphors, like when she says "I washed thy face, but more defects I saw," she is really saying the more times I reread the story the more errors she sees and when she changed one wrong thing something else when wrong. Bradstreet also uses a lot of personification in this specific sentence along with being through out the poem. She is giving a story human characteristic by say
When we arrived home, the council informed us that the grass __________ to be ____________.
In the poem ,“America”, Claude McKay uses figurative language and diction to create a dark tone, a powerful empowering tone, and an optimistic tone. The theme of double consciousness of African-Americans is supported in the poem and the poem itself also connects to the purpose of the Harlem Renaissance which was to fight back racial hate and stereotypes with black empowerment.
“Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas is a villanelle poem that consists of five stanzas with three lines and the last stanza with four lines. The first and third lines are alternating repeated in other stanza of this work. In this poem, the poet makes use of some descriptive language to show certain emotions and how it builds up the poet’s state of mind. This poem portrays the idea of fighting against odds and resisting the death which gives an insight into the mind of a person who is courageous and encourages his father to fight against death. The poet uses descriptive language to create an image of complete resistance to death.