
Film Noir Films Analysis

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The 1940’s were a time of war and then prosperity for Americans, not only in wealth but in a chance for a better education and social economic status. Films went from patriotic during the war to a more realistic portrayal towards the end of the war in 1945. By the second half of the 1940's, with an injection of expatriate directors trained in the German visual evocation of emotion to the French poetic realistic films, a new style of films were about to emerge. A similar change was also happening in reality, from the hope of the formation of the United Nations to the start of the Cold War. Film noir movies, a genre disassociated with the war was made in the 1940’s. This genre reflected how Hollywood felt during the challenges of the war and post-war. It had somber dark plots, untrustworthy femme fatales and cynical heroes. The movies were set in low key lights and seedy, smoky rooms. In the films, the women were seen as “glamorous and dangerous” who wanted power and wealth, where as the men were depicted as weak and were not able to be a hero. The minor characters were traumatized by violence and sex. In Woman in a Window and Scarlet Street, the lead male is traumatized by a beautiful woman. The film, Mildred Pierce, follows a housewife from a restaurant worker to one that owns several restaurants. …show more content…

None of these films portrayed discrimination and racism as systematic, but rather the villain was psychopathic or the issue wasn't really confronted at all. The two racism related films mentioned above had white people playing the leads, as blacks who could pass as white. These films, as well as the film noir movies, very often had a happy ending. Despite the logical conclusion, in keeping with the imagery in the film, should be less than happy, even they couldn't escape the social, political, and economic landscape of the

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