
Film Noir In Alfred Hitchcock's Film Vertigo

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“‘Here I was born, and there I died. It was only a moment for you; you took no notice,’” says Madeleine, played by Kim Novak, as she foreshadows the mysterious events which take place in Vertigo. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock, Vertigo qualifies as a film noir because it contains a femme fatale, a pessimistic romance, and is filmed by an immigrant director. Many film noirs contain a femme fatale, and Vertigo is no different. Madeleine and Judy, both played by Kim Novak, are definitely femme fatales. A femme fatale is a mysterious, two-faced, deceitful, manipulative, and overall beautiful woman. Both characters portray that definition perfectly. For example, they are literally two-faced, being that Madeleine and Judy are played by the same actress. …show more content…

Alfred Hitchcock, the great master of suspense, came from England. He travelled to the United States with his family to create better and greater films that could be even more successful than they were in England. Hitchcock loved a suspenseful and dark film, which caused him to create some of the greatest films of all time such as Psycho, The Birds, and North By Northwest. His film Vertigo displays all of these aspects, causing the film to be a perfect example of the Hitchcockian style. This style came from when Hitchcock was a child in England, where his parents would punish him harshly whenever he was behaving badly. Not only that, but at his British Catholic school, he would be harshly punished, but he set the time for when he felt he should get his punishment that week. The way he was raised in another country was completely unique and new to American film, causing his film noir Vertigo to contain many of the features he is known for today. Being an immigrant, Alfred Hitchcock brought new unique factors to the American film noir. Overall, just by coming from another country and adding his foreign touch, Hitchcock’s film, Vertigo qualifies as a film

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