
Financial Analysis On The Health Care Industry

Decent Essays

In the modern world of the health care industry, it is vital that organization’s financial statement analyzes be kept up to date and reported accurately within their company. A financial analysis is an evaluative method of determining the past, current and projected performance of a company ( Collectively, individual patients seek for superior quality of health care services and integrity from professionals who work in the hospitals with patients while serving the communities worldwide. Although the health care industry is rapidly changing as time progress, providers still have an obligation to satisfy the patients and deliver excellent care to those in need. As the new appointed CFO of Universal Health Services, the organization will conduct an internal financial analysis. The financial analysis will be for the company’s financial statements of three consecutive years; it will help reduce uncertainty and transform data so the organization can improve their decisions regarding the net income of the company if needed. However, based on the review of the financial statements, UHS has provided a stable and pleasant environment for patients to seek a great deal of care in the hospital and community through acute care, ambulatory surgery centers and behavioral health. In regards to various stakeholder groups, financial statements are used to help enhance the knowledge of the company’s goals and to identify the risks and profits of the market share. Universal

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