
Fine Arts Career

Decent Essays

What they do
An art teacher is an educator of the fine arts. This category includes painting, sculpture, design, drawing, crafts and more. On the daily basis, teachers are responsible for demonstrating techniques, grading work, having classroom discussions, selecting classroom materials. In addition, it is very important to help the students grow, unlocking their potential and artistic style. Each class would have around 20-30 students. Another thing to keep in mind is that though teachers have to work long hours, it may be necessary to stay after or work at home if they’re are behind on tasks like grading. Teachers can spend around 12 hours on average doing class related tasks outside of school. Its also important to have a drive to help people. …show more content…

Fine arts would assist in learning more about what they teach and human services would help with public speaking skills and which would help to be a better teacher. One of an abundance of colleges offering such education needed is Western Carolina University. This university is located in Cullowhee, North Carolina in the mountainous half of the state. This is a medium sized college in a rural setting. This college offers academic as well as merit based scholarships (or need based). If the student is to stay on campus it will cost an extra $9,516 layered atop of the $7027 cost of attending in state or $17,000 of out of state!

Opportunities for advancement
There is not necessarily an advanced position for an art teacher. You start out as an art teacher and will end as one (unlike other careers like a police officer's where you start on patrol can end on chief). However, there is an involuntary way to get paid more money. Most school systems pay more based on seniority. This however would be of no use to you if you did not work at a school.

Benefit to society


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