
Firefighter Reflection

Decent Essays

When I saw the firefighters training, I was like wow. I really admired how these firefighters enjoyed their job, even though it wasn’t easy. I could really tell that they were diligent and hardworking. They were devoted to being the best firefighters they can be. When Tony said “Being a firefighter was the closest thing to being a superhero.”, I thought it was really inspiring. The part of the documentary that really made my heart drop was when I saw smoke coming out of the first tower. I was so shocked when the World Trade Center went on fire. Everything was normal that day, and then all of a sudden this terrible event just had to start. Thinking back about it, I would have been so shocked, confused, and at the same time afraid for what’s to come. The firefighters were just bonding, and then out of the blue, the building just started smoking and debris was falling. I was heartbroken thinking about how unfortunate for the many people in the building. I could imagine how many people were in there, thinking that it was just another ordinary day; however, these innocent people had to suffer because of these terrorists. Lives were ruined and destroyed. This one bomb caused mass destruction, and this made me think about how one thing could cause so many things to happen. For example, the endless ripple effect. It made me wonder, how much better this world would be if everyone used this effect for kindness, instead for hate or destruction. It was absolutely

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