
First 10 Amendments of the US Constitution: Focus on Freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, and the Right to Assemble

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First 10 Amendments of the US Constitution: Focus on Freedom of Speech, Religion, Press and the Right to Assemble
Balkin, J. (2004). "Digital speech and democratic culture: a theory of freedom of expression for the information society." New York University Law Review, Paper 240.
In this article by Balkin, he discussed the evolution of one of the important components of the Bill of Rights of the United States (US) Constitution, which is the freedom of speech. In his discussion of freedom of speech as framed in the US Constitution, the issue of its relevance and implications in today's information technology-driven society. Important concepts and issues that were discussed in relevance to freedom of speech is its meaning in online/Internet platforms of expression, intellectual property rights, and free speech rights and values are contextualized to both the traditional and contemporary meanings of freedom of speech.
Balkin's discussion and analysis are relevant to the study of freedom of speech because it allows implementers and framers of laws and regulations to constantly rethink and re-analyze the freedom of speech as it is contextualized in the evolving nature of societies. Ultimately, the analysis includes an in-depth look at free speech rights and free speech values. The former consistently demonstrates the inherent right of individuals to free speech and the exercise of these rights, while the latter centers on how values are shaped by changes in society. With the

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