Two people that I know that I feel would be great illustrations of a successful and a rejected person in my youth would be two girls I know, whom I am going to rename, Ashley and Tara. Ashley is the typical popular girl. She is a cheerleader and member of multiple clubs within our high school. She is not the smartest person in the class and does not genuinely care much for her fellow students. Tara, on the other hand, is a your stereotypical nerd. She is one of the smartest people within her class. Sheis also one of the nicest people in her entire school. You would think that Tara would be the most socially competent but she is not. She does not even have friends. Ashley has all of the friends and is well liked within the school. In order to compare and contrast the two young girls, I must first consider the five core questions that determine social success. The five core questions are basically questions that weighs out a person’s social competence by their assets and liabilities. The first question is in reference to how much fun the child is. Ashley has a sense of humor, resourceful, participating, talented and cooperative. Tara bestows all of those qualities but they go unknown because she is very withdrawn and timid. The …show more content…
Although Ashley has these qualities, Tara’s qualities and similarities are placed on the back burner due to the fact that she is withdrawn and timid. Because Tara does not open herself up to be known, Ashley’s comfortableness with herself allows her to soar through the ranks with her peers. In my examination, Ashley just pretends to keep this image alive so that others will think so highly of her while Tara genuinely have these qualities but they are overlooked. Furthermore, maybe if Tara made herself open she would not have been rejected as she was and probably would have been as popular and socially competent as
Therefor there is a probability that the cards drawn will equal a sum of 10.
1. Beverly Frost bought a home for $190,000 with a down payment of $19,000 at 7% for 25 years. Since then the rate has risen to 9%. How much more would her monthly payment be if she bought the house at 9%?
What do you think would be the most interesting aspect of working with firearm evidence? What do you think would be the most challenging part?
For confidentiality, I will use pseudonyms for the students I chose to profile. The first student I chose was Emma. When I began my field experience in February, Emma had just started third grade at Washington Elementary. She was from a well-educated family and was said to have been homeschooled. Emma was intriguing to me, because academically she was very behind and barely knew how to spell, use conventions and struggled to read and write. She was very sweet, but it was evident she was timid, which was probably due to being new as well as behind academically. The second student I chose is Connor. Connor was a very sweet student, but at times struggled in school. One of the main reasons why I chose Connor was because he reminded me of how my
The first eight questions pertain to each participant’s personal information (e.g. age, gender, race, etc.) as well as their lifestyles (e.g. activity level, employment, etc.). The next question determines whether or not the participant will answer the next four questions or skip down to question thirteen and fourteen. This style of questionnaire is referred to as branching questionnaire and allows for the questionnaire respondent to move through the questions a different way depending on their answer
In the article the author talks about how much Ms. DeWitt judged her life in comparison to her classmates , her parents and how she constantly wanted to please everyone else standards . Ms. DeWitt is an example of many young students who suffer from rejection in school, students who see themselves as a failure and lack the parental support to manage those
1. what was the original purpose of Darwin’s voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle, and what was the ultimate significance of the Voyage?
Hannah remains a wonderful role model to her peers in all of her work ethic, kindheartedness, and her spiritual life. No one would be able to find one cruel bone in her body. Passionate about everything she does, she never gives up on anything. She is not swayed by the majority; she finds joy in being her own person. The following quote perfectly sums up Hannah’s outlook on life. “Do not compare yourself with others. It is our uniqueness that makes us who we are.” - Tina J.
People often come across research in everyday life or are curious about a topic and decide to conduct their own research. Identify a time you wanted to research something and explain how you performed the research and what you learned as a result. How can you apply this experience to your own academic research?
The foundation teaches kids the five core principles to be able to better connect emotionally and understand who they are as a person. The principles are: self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, responsible decision making, and effective communication. These are in place to help kids grow as a person and become a good citizen; especially in the unfriendly communities and environments that a lot of the kids are in. "At the end of the day that's what it's all about. Sure, I have fun going out onto the football field, but to change someone's life and to add value to their life, that’s the big
Everybody loves to ask questions; they enhance our cognitive ability and can create better people in the long run. In the book, Wait, What? by James E. Ryan, the reader will learn the five essential questions, according to Ryan, that will give the reader the ability to ask and answer good questions. These five questions can be used in all sorts of topics and conditions, and will make the reader more fluid and comprehensive with the answer that will arrive after the question. The five questions that are discussed are: Wait, What?; I wonder…?; Couldn’t we at least…?; How can I help?; and What truly matters? Ryan discusses these questions in the book by how he applied them into his own life, and made a successful personal and professional life out of these five questions. While doing so, Ryan defines the true meanings of these questions, and how they should be properly used. Ryan also discusses how these questions can spur out other marvelous questions. In this book, Ryan strengthens the minds of readers to questions; a view of questions never before seen.
The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others, is a very vital observation to have in order to get an accurate general conclusion about an individual. Elyse is a very shy girl and you can easily notice this observation off the bat because she never looks someone in the eye for longer than a second. She doesn’t seem to have many friends because she sits with the same girl at lunch that she engages with in all classes shared between us as well as in the halls. She enjoys people her style, antisocial and very polite. When
Review the three questions content under the Week 1 Lectures / Presentations content area. This video is by Fr. Michael Himes, a theologian at Boston College.
Thesis: Beyond the obvious social disparity that exists between popular high school students and outcasts, there exists an inner wisdom that outcasts inherit from not being part of the “in” crowd. Outcasts are able to form the most important relationship of all, a relationship with themselves. Target Audience: The target audience of my essay is going to be all the popular kids in High School. I want this essay to be able to convey to them that outcasts come out ahead in the end.
1.) According to Lao-tzu, what must the ruler provide the people with if they are to be happy?