
Five Dimensions Of American Culture

Decent Essays

Culture is defined as, the totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge, material objects, and behavior (Schafer, pg.57). People see culture in many different ways. Some may see culture as nationality, family background, even religious beliefs. Every individual will see their culture as different than anyone else because we each see the world in different perspectives.
The movie, “Five Dimensions of Culture in Ethiopia, South Africa, and the U.S.: Intercultural Connections”, was a great shock to me. I also thought of these cultures as what I see on television. I thought of families living in run down houses, men out hunting for food, women cleaning with river water, and children playing outside in the streets. This shows how cultures can change and how some cultures see …show more content…

I always saw America as the greatest country, that this is no other place like it. As I watch this video, I see that there are more countries out there like America. These other countries have a lot of similar cultures to ours. I do not much difference in the country aspects. If I did not know that they were from different countries, I would believe that they were from America. This is mostly because America has always been called the “melting pot”.
There is a development of different culture around the world. As I sit and write this essay, I am studying and learning of other cultures. I may without knowing pick-up some of these cultural aspects and use them in my everyday life. This is a process called innovation, discovery, and invention. Innovation is the consequences of introducing something new. Discovery is sharing and introducing the existence. Invention is when existing cultures start

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