
Five Pillars Of Anarrchism

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The term “anarchy” originates from the union of the Greek word άρχή, meaning “authority” or “command”, and the privative alpha, which expresses absence. Anarchism is the belief in the abolition of all government and in the organization of society on a voluntary and cooperative basis without recourse to force or compulsion. This belief is based on five main pillars: anti-authoritarianism, voluntarism, egalitarianism, mutualism and autonomism.
According to the anarchist thought, authority is to be rejected as illegitimate and the imposition of power through force is untenable. Russian philosopher Mikhail Bakunin argued for the replacement of the state by federations of self-governing workplaces and communes (anti-authoritarianism). As written in his work God and State, “The liberty of man consists solely in this, that he obeys the laws of nature because he has himself recognized them as such, and not because they have been imposed upon him externally by any foreign will whatsoever, human or divine, collective or individual”. Voluntarism is key as well. In an anarchist society, there is no fixed and constant authority, but a continual exchange of mutual, temporary, and, above all, voluntary authority and subordination. …show more content…

A utopia is literally a non-place possessing perfect and most desirable qualities. Anarchism is a utopia, a world in which all humans live in communion and solidarity is utopian, but believing in utopias and aspire to reach them has been a motor of progress in history, not a sign of naivety. Martin Luther King and Gandhi were utopians, just to mention a few. Nevertheless, amid various difficulties, they managed to change the world for the better, even though their visions may not have been fully realized. Anarchists are not naïve. They understand the challenges and imperfections of their utopia, but also see the possibilities and potential it brings

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