
Five Things For College Classes

Satisfactory Essays

So, college classes are starting back and you're in need of some new people to eat meals, gossip, and study with- in other words, you need some new friends. Your friend base has a huge impact on how you cope with everything college, from relationships to stressful classes, and it's important to have a solid few people that will be there for you. Keep in mind these five things that won't help your friend situation as you start your fall semester:

1. Refusing to socialize. It's important to have a safe place away from the noise and chaos of college, but let's face it- turning down every social invite you receive and hiding out in your dorm won't make you any friends. Even if you're money-savvy and don't eat out much, you should try eating your microwavable meal in your dorm lobby or inviting people to your room for T.V. dinners to increase social time and the likelihood of landing a new pal. …show more content…

Having a bad attitude. We all know that person who is either always bitching or has a resting-bitch face. One way to make more friends: don't be that person. Everyone around you can understand a bad day or an irrational professor, but they'll steer clear of you if you constantly complain. Try keeping an approachable demeanor if you want to meet people!

3. Sleeping. Sleep is a valuable asset in the college world, but sleep too much and you're sure to miss out on some awesome opportunities and people. Try sleeping a healthy amount at a normal time and be awake when the invitations to do things come your way!

4. Waiting for these new friends to fall in your lap. While it's fine and dandy to keep a good attitude and make yourself available for opportunities, it's even more cool to make the first friendship-making move. All relationships work two ways. Sit back and wait for other people to constantly look for you and you're sure to annoy somebody. Try being the cliche social butterfly and asking your dorm- and classmates to hang

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