
Fixing The Sky Analysis

Good Essays

Kaylah Lightfoot
Comp 2
Contrast Analysis
Mike lynch
Fixing the Sky or The Optimal Share of Variable Renewables? Do you want your child to have a higher risk of skin cancer or other terrible diseases? Do you want your child to never be able to play outside with all their friends? Nobody wants their child to have an unhealthy life or be sad because they have no friends to play with. Everyone wants to hope for their child to have a happy and healthy life. Humans not thinking about how the world’s climate change is dramatically changing does not make the climate not change. There are many scientist that have proven that climate change is happening and it has been happening for many, many years. Understanding what is happening …show more content…

Earthly effects of the ozone layer are discussed in Fixing the Sky. Also in Fixing the Sky, Schiermeier talks about how the flow of air is dramatically affected by the ozone layer. Schiermeier focuses on the temperatures around the world, while Hirth in The Optimal Share of Variable Renewables focuses on how costly it is to reach the goal of usage of renewable energy. When reading through both articles the intended outcome was clearly for two different audiences. Schiermeier is for the general audience of college students or high school students with only slight knowledge about the ozone layer, however Hirth’s article is for an audience that is well informed in macroeconomics and microeconomics. Schiermeier’s article was a much easier read than Hirth’s. An example of how easy flowing Schiermeier’s sentences are: “Scientists are only now gaining the necessary computing power to run long-term simulations that allow them to test which effects of climate warming might win out” (Schiermeier, 2015, pg. 1). Schiermeier’s article uses average words that most college students would know and understand. In parts of Hirth’s article usage of advanced language that only economic masters would know and understand was used, but some areas of the lengthy article were understandable to someone that has only taken the basic macroeconomics. An example of how drastically hard the article is to read would be; “A certain share of the cogenerating technologies lignite, hard coal, CCGT, and OCGT are forced to run even if prices are below their variable costs” (Hirth, 2015, pg.

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