
What Does Ohana Mean Family

Satisfactory Essays

Literary essay theme “Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten”. This quote is from the movie Lilo and Stitch. Although this quote is from a kids movie its states the importance of family, I think this quote goes well with “Fly Away home” by Eve Bunting. Throughout the story we learn how important family is to the little boy named Andrew who lives in the airport.

In the beginning the story, we can tell that family is important is when Andrew stated “My dad and I live in an airport.” by saying this the author stated right away that it was Andrew and his dad living at the airport together as a little family, I can relate to this because when me and my grandpa went down to north carolina it was just me and him …show more content…

Medina looks out for me. The Medinas live in the airport, too—Grandma, Mrs. Medina and Denny who’s my friend”. When Andrew says this he stating that he and his dad are close to the Medinas. In the middle of the story we learn that family is important when Denny and Andrew had a conversation. ” “If we get a place, you and your dad can come live with us,” Denny says. “And if we get a place, you and your mom and your grandma can come live with us,” I say. “Yeah” “ By Denny and Andrew saying this to each other this states how close they are, and how much of a family there becoming.

Then toward the end of the story we learn that family important when Andrew's father is looking for an apartment. The story states “ I know he’s trying all the time to find us a place” and “
When he comes back he looks sad. Sad and angry” I think during this we learn that Andrew is there for his father, even in the tough times, and to me that's family.

Through this short story, “Fly Away Home” By Eve Bunting, we learned that family is important to everybody in the airport even to the people they don’t see all the time, but there's still family there, and that's the most important thing in

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