
Flynn Character

Decent Essays

The character of Flynn is very likable and relatable. It’s easy to care about her. She’s not perfect but that’s why the audience likes her. Consider exploring the idea of her fear of abandonment a bit more. She mentions her father leaving when she was young. This would explain her need to give Chase a consistent and secure father. It would also trigger some feelings about Nathan leaving her and her feelings that he abandoned her, especially when she was pregnant, even though he didn’t know about her pregnancy.
At the end, she grows as a character as she realizes not just what is best for her, but what is best for Chase and Nathan. She also decides to explore her art passion again, which she abandoned, perhaps out of guilt and/or that she lost a sense of her own identity when Nathan left. One isn’t sure why she stopped painting. It could be something to explore.
Flynn’s voice is consistent with her personality. The only area that …show more content…

There’s nice dialogue on page 65 when Bryce explains what attracted him to Flynn i.e. walking with the wind.
On smaller notes, remember to show and not tell or explain. When Bryce is introduced, his description is fine, but the viewing audience has no way to understand that he’s a humble man who knows who he is and what he wants. This should be conveyed through his personality and, in fact, he does come across as humble and reserved.
Elevate the visual storytelling. For example, on page 17, “a flash of something unpleasant across Bryce’s face tells us this is not a subject he is interested in discussing” can be more visual.
On page 46, when Nathan gets a good look at Bryce and Chase and “the wheels turn” could be more visual. Remember, the audience can’t “see” wheels turning.
The script is professionally formatted, although the scene heading for the beach house can be more specific regarding whose beach house – this is important for production and

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