
Focused Care Plan

Decent Essays

This essay attempts to explore the significant process of collecting a health data of patient and design a focused care plan. The essay is structured in ISBAR format to deliver the case study of Annie. In order to obtain a comprehensive nursing data of the patient, and provide a focused care plan, the Gordon’s functional health patterns are used in this essay. Gordon’s framework has 11 categories that guides to establishing a data on physical, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual and intellectual domain. The essay also discusses the focused care plan of Annie on each of framework.

Annie is a 44years old female, presented to Emergency department (ED) complaining of terrible pain in her right big toe and has been exacerbated since last …show more content…

It is warm to touch and she flinches during the inspection. A throbbing pulsation was found during the palpation. Annie states she cannot weight-bear and has to hop to get around. Vital signs indicate she is a febrile with 38 degree, P 100bpm, the respiration rate is 20 and she is also a hypertensive with BP140/90. Her liver function test (LFT) show no abnormalities but her serum electrolysis (SE) test shows a uric acid level is high. Medical officer (MO) has seen Annie and diagnosed her medical condition as “Gout”. Gout is a medical condition of acute arthritis, which results from excessive level of uric acid crystals deposited in connective tissues or joints and causes painful joint inflammation (Mosby’s dictionary of medicine, nursing & health professions, …show more content…

Consultation findings were Annie is a mother of child and her partner is always for work, so Annie has a great responsibility and role of taking care of son, however she having difficulty performing a caregiver role due to her illness. The role performance dissatisfaction and role conflict could lead to big pressure, may feeling hopeless and unsure (Berman et al., 2012). The further examination would be inspecting the interaction with her relatives, neighbourhood or friend who can support her and her son. The focused care plan is finding someone who can replace Annie’s parenting role while is

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