This essay attempts to explore the significant process of collecting a health data of patient and design a focused care plan. The essay is structured in ISBAR format to deliver the case study of Annie. In order to obtain a comprehensive nursing data of the patient, and provide a focused care plan, the Gordon’s functional health patterns are used in this essay. Gordon’s framework has 11 categories that guides to establishing a data on physical, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual and intellectual domain. The essay also discusses the focused care plan of Annie on each of framework.
Annie is a 44years old female, presented to Emergency department (ED) complaining of terrible pain in her right big toe and has been exacerbated since last
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It is warm to touch and she flinches during the inspection. A throbbing pulsation was found during the palpation. Annie states she cannot weight-bear and has to hop to get around. Vital signs indicate she is a febrile with 38 degree, P 100bpm, the respiration rate is 20 and she is also a hypertensive with BP140/90. Her liver function test (LFT) show no abnormalities but her serum electrolysis (SE) test shows a uric acid level is high. Medical officer (MO) has seen Annie and diagnosed her medical condition as “Gout”. Gout is a medical condition of acute arthritis, which results from excessive level of uric acid crystals deposited in connective tissues or joints and causes painful joint inflammation (Mosby’s dictionary of medicine, nursing & health professions, …show more content…
Consultation findings were Annie is a mother of child and her partner is always for work, so Annie has a great responsibility and role of taking care of son, however she having difficulty performing a caregiver role due to her illness. The role performance dissatisfaction and role conflict could lead to big pressure, may feeling hopeless and unsure (Berman et al., 2012). The further examination would be inspecting the interaction with her relatives, neighbourhood or friend who can support her and her son. The focused care plan is finding someone who can replace Annie’s parenting role while is
Thus, the aim of this paper is to assess the determinants of health that affect a specific client by taking into account Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns. Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns provides an effective framework for evaluating the many factors that can affect an individual in his or her day-to-day life. This method was developed by Majory Gordon in 1987, and used as a guideline for establishing a comprehensive nursing assessment. By using these specific categories, health care professionals are able to create a standardized method to collect data in order to determine aspects of health and
Annie, aged forty four years who has arrived to the emergency department because of extreme and increasing pain in her right big toe for the last couple of days. Her vital signs were : T38, P100, R20 and BP 140/90. During the examination, her toe looks red and swollen, she could not sleep for couple of days due to excruciating pain. Her liver function test did not show any defects whereas serum electrolytes test indicates higher uric acid levels. Her medical diagnosis is gout. Gout is a kind of arthritis. Which can cause an attack of sudden burning pain, stiffness, and swelling in a joint, usually a big toe (Neogi, 2011). She is given Allopurinol, 600mg daily and Ibuprofen, 200-400mg, 4/24. Medical Officer decided to admit her for observation and more examination. The aim of care is to relief pain and inflammation and also prevent from gout attacks leading to stable joint harm. Her female partner is away for work in the mines. Also, due to unavailability of her grandparents, she is worried about her three year old son as there is no one
Health Information Exchange (HIE) has become a major component in today’s healthcare. Health information exchange provides a secure way for providers to appropriately access and electronically share a patient’s medical information. Therefore, reducing duplicate testing, minimizing medication errors and providing a link among electronic health records (EHR) in order to provide quality healthcare.
Intense joint pain, lingering discomfort, inflammation and redness are all classic symptoms of gout (Mayo Clinic, 2011). The Mayo Clinic notes that, “Gout usually affects the large joint of your big toe, but it can occur in your feet, ankles, knees, hands and wrists.” (p. 2). The pain is most intense within the first 12 to 24 hours after a gout attack begins (Center for Disease Control, 2011). To confirm the diagnosis of gout, the patient should have a Joint Fluid Test to determine the presence of urate crystals as well as a blood test to determine the amount of uric acid in the blood (Mayo Clinic,
Gout is a rheumatic diseases resulting from deposition of uric acid crystals. In tissues and fluids within the body. Gout is caused by an uncontrolled metabolic disorder; hyperuricemia is which leads to the deposition of monosodium urate crystals in tissue. Hyperuricemia means too much uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is a metabolic product resulting from the metabolism of purines it's found in many foods and in human tissue. Gout is an ancient and common form of inflammatory arthritis, and is the most common inflammatory arthritis among men. The risk factors for gout include being overweight or obese having hypertension alcohol intake beer and spirits more than wine, diuretic use, a diet rich in meat and seafood, and poor kidney function. Gout is also associated with an increased risk of kidney stones. Also gout can be viewed in four stages they are asymptomatic tissue deposition, acute flares, inter critical segments and chronic gout. The symptoms for gout are warmth, pain swelling, extreme tenderness in a joint , usually a toe joint this symptom is called ( Podagral) very red or purplish skin around the affected joint, limited movement in the affected joint, and peeling and itching of the skin around the affected joint as the gout get
Gouty arthritis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and left ventricular hypertrophy are the main diagnosis. American College of Rheumatology diagnostic criteria for gout is the presence of urate crystals in the joint fluid (Hainer et al., 2014). Monosodium urate crystals are seen under a polarizing light microscope which confirms the diagnosis of gout. Furthermore, the most commonly affected area is the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Other common sites are mid-tarsal joints, ankles, knees, fingers, wrists and elbows. Also, gout appears to be red and swellon in the affected joint (Saccamano, 2015). Similarly, patient had left knee pain with redness and swelling. Hypertension is diagnosed by the systolic blood pressure ≥ 140mmg Hg or the diastolic
Gout is classified as the “buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints… [that occur as a result to] many [of the] foods we eat” (WebMD). These needle-like crystals are what contribute to the sudden pain and swelling of a gout attack. My father’s doctors reported that not only did he have gout, but that if he stayed
- Providing individualized care.Standards are set to ensure everyone is treated in an equal way. How we care for ourselves might be different to the way another person cares for themselves.
The fluid is examined under a microscope for uric acid crystals. However, not finding the crystals doesn’t always mean that [it isn’t] gout. The crystals may also be around the joints, so [the] doctor may search for them there as well. Also, gout attacks may look like joint infections. So the joint fluid may also be cultured to see if a bacterium grows from it.” (2012) Due to the somewhat difficult task of diagnosing gout, many clients will not have a definitive diagnosis for a relatively large amount of time.
Gout is a metabolic disorder and is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis which causes acute and painful flares in the joints of the foot, knee, hand and wrist with the deposition of urate crystals. Hyperuricemia is an important risk factor the development of gout which is characterised by high levels of uric acid in blood. Uric acid is the end product of purine nucleotide formed by the oxidation of xanthine and hypoxanthine by the enzyme xanthine oxidoreductase.Impaired xanthine oxidase activity appears involved in the onset of hyperuricemic conditions associated with hypertension, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, renal and cardiovascular diseases. The prevalence of gout has been increased worldwide indicating the need for improved
The Riverez family has faced many struggles throughout their lives. They currently reside in an area that has brought them many stresses. Financially they are unable to move to a safer neighborhood and they do not receive any support from their families. Both parents dropped out of high school, which is causing a financial strain on their family. Mr. Riverez is working two
In February, my mother stepped out of the bathtub after bathing and caught her toenail in between the grout line of the tile, causing the nail to rip. Her toe nails are long and extremely hard to trim due to her diabetes. My mother didn’t feel the pain from this incident because of the numbness caused by the Parkinson’s disease. It was until she saw blood coming from her toe that my mother went to the hospital emergency room to seek help. During her visit to the hospital, my mother received 5 stitches and was told that her toe was fractured. My mother returned home only to find that her toe was completely infected from improper healing a few days
Ineffective breathing pattern related to decreased oxygen saturation, poor tissue perfusion, obesity, decreased air entry to bases of both lungs, gout and arthritic pain, decreased cardiac output, disease process of COPD, and stress as evidenced by shortness of breath, BMI > 30 abnormal breathing patterns (rapid, shallow breathing), abnormal skin colour (slightly purplish), excessive diaphoresis, nasal flaring and use of accessory muscles, statement of joint pain, oxygen saturations of 85-95% 2L NP, immobility 95% of the day, and adventitious sounds throughout lungs (crackles) secondary to CHF, hypertension, pain caused by gout and arthritis, and obesity
Gout is a commonly occurring disease within the elderly population. Essentially, gout is identified as being a rather severe type of arthritis caused by formation of monosodium urate (MSU) crystals in joints and other tissues (Buttaro et al., 2013). This form of severe arthritis is generally classified as a type of rheumatic disease where too much uric acid is produced or built up within the body, which subsequently crystallizes, and result in hyperuricemia (Jin et al., 2012). Gout is a medical condition that can be extremely painful for any human being but especially the elderly patient. Gout tends to affect the cold joints such as the big toe.
A family health assessment is a significant instrument in conveying a health care plan for a family. This paper will discuss the nurse’s role in family assessment and how this task is performed. By the use of family focused open ended questions, 11 functional health patterns were covered. The health patterns were values and health perception, nutrition, sleep and rest, elimination, activities and exercise, cognitive, sensory-perception, self-perception, role relationship, sexuality, and coping. This principle is known as the Gordon’s functional health patterns. Family health assessment defines the assessment of actual and potential problems of individuals (Gordon, 1994). This assessment tool included 11 systematic principles for data collection of the family, and assists the nurses to develop a nursing diagnosis and appropriate interventions. Using Gordon’s functional health patterns, this paper will summarize the findings of each health pattern as well as the family based nursing diagnosis of each assessment. This paper will also discuss different health promotion strategies along with web-based resources, also including a system based theory guide in family assessment.