
Food Intolerances And The Negative Aspects Of Food

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In the United States almost twelve million people, three million of those being children, supposedly have a food allergy. From that population, 1-2% are of all adults and 5-7.5% are of all the children in the world. Some cases get so bad that consumers must go to the emergency room, 30,000 cases each year to be exact which 150 Americans die from ingestion. Food intolerances affect an even larger portion of consumers (1, 7). The issue of food allergies is not a topic to be taken lightly about and needs to be discussed.
Eating a meal is a basic vital activity. However, for some people, unfavorable outcomes like hostile reactions to foods include toxic, like food poisoning and non-toxic responses, which are an immune-mediated food allergy. People with food allergies through oral intake of fundamental food proteins may evoke reactions such as eczema, itching, diarrhea, wheezing and hypothermia. Over time, healthy people generally acquire an immune response which lessens the allergic response, but there are still those who still show signs of these allergic responses to the proteins, unfortunately (14). There are eight major foods considered allergens: milk, egg, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, wheat, peanuts, and soybeans (6).
Diseases that stem from allergies have increased worldwide the past couple decades. Many genetic and environmental influences have been associated with the development and prolongation of food allergies. In some cases, food allergies often show unprompted

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