
Food Loss In America

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In 1997 a study was conducted by Kantor el al. on food loss in the U.S that resulted in 96 billion pounds of food lost “or 27% of the 356 billion pounds of food available for human consumption” (Buzby). That lost and wasted food could make a magnificent change in the amount of starving families that are in the U.S. but still food waste continued to grow. In 2008 food loss and waste went up to 29% at retail and consumer levels. That food could have been used for other purposes if the correct procedures would have been done. All of this food is sent to landfills and processed with other forms of garbage and waste. In 2005 and 2006 11.4% of fresh fruit, 9.7% of fresh vegetables and 4.5% of fresh meat was either lost, wasted or spoiled at retail

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