
Food Security Papers

Decent Essays

The Global Food Security Act was passed by Congress in 2016 during President Obama’s office. The main issue of this act was the outstanding levels of hunger and malnutrition, not only in the United States but in several nations around the globe. Being that this issue also affects other aspects of society like high the levels of job demand, malnutrition, and low social performance. This bill consists of actions taken with the support of other nations to develop and implement food security strategies to promote wellness, nutrition, and suppleness not only in this country but in others as well. Notably, according to the ambassador Susan Rice, “As one of the wealthiest nations in this world, it is an obligation to lead the fight against …show more content…

Not to mention, countries like Italy, agree to implement these strategies to reduce reliance upon emergency food assistance, and creating good environments to obtain agricultural growth and promote investment from external and internal organizations. Also, according to Ambassador Rice, the first investment of the U.S. summed up to 3.5 billion dollars the first year and with the help of other donors it raised up to $18.5 billion more.
The impact that this policy has created, immensely alters the high numbers of poverty and helps to maintain them low. Therefore, most of the well-developed countries have dedicated to promoting some of the strategies mentioned above. They have also encouraged other institutions to endorse research and discovery of new methods to eliminate hunger and support to the ones suffering from poor food conditions.
Providing that this policy was adopted from a legislative process. It was introduced in the Senate on May 7, 2015, and passed by Congress on July 6, 2016. The Obama administration, approved the Global Food Security Act and it was signed on July 20 of the same year. This action confirmed that the United States promises to work for stopping global hunger, poverty and child starvation.
Until now, the cause has been supported by other institutions too and has been recognized for the huge impact it seeks to make in the population of the world. By the same token, several universities have contributed to

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