
Forbidden Books: Why Books Be Banned?

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Forbidden Books: Why banning books is never a good idea.
Numerous books have been prohibited by various people and countries all over the world, however, is it really intelligent to do so? At the very least, I personally believe that it’s a completely ridiculous idea and that an approach of such likes should be lost. Everybody, regardless of their background or living status, have a right to read what they desire for. Without question, books are one of the great human inventions which originate from the will to record one’s ideas, findings and memories to pass down to future generations.

First of all, the possession of someone’s freedom and the right to choose and read is essential else they’ll just become part of the silent majority, therefore the banning of particular books, to me, is nonsense. …show more content…

Considering the fact that information nowadays spreads like dust spread by volcanic eruptions, wouldn’t it be better to just leave challenged books be since they’re going to attract less attention that way? In this era, it is much easier to start campaigns about objections due to the anonymity on the internet. That’s my other reason for stating why books shouldn’t be banned. Furthermore, samizdat versions, which are illegitimate copies which were clandestinely published, of taboo books would be traded illegally between people because of their increased rarity. An example of a banned book would be “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” by D.H. Lawrence. This book was originally published in 1928 in Florence, nevertheless was banned in England due to its explicit content about adultery and a love affair, saying it was too obscene and corrupted to be viewed by the population. Consequently, it can be said that the prohibition of books only trigger illegal

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