
Ford Pinto Ethics

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1. The message that the author gives in this article is that Ford completely disregards safety and ethics when making the Ford Pinto. Not only does Ford disregard safety, but they also try to cover up the fact that they are killing many people in the process. The author, gives many examples, and puts emphasis on the fact that Ford took seven years to fix the Pinto problem. The author says that Ford was a case of corporate malpractice in the auto industry.
2. I agree with the author in saying that Ford is a case of corporate malpractice in the auto industry. I also agree with the author in saying that Ford was unethical. In the case of, State of Indiana v. Ford Motor Co., Ford was found not guilty, but only because the other driver was actually at fault in the accident. In this particular case, they went after Ford because the cars were a deathtrap due …show more content…

This article relates to chapter 5 with the evolving idea of corporate social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility is the duty of a corporation to create wealth in ways that avoid harm to, protect, or enhance societal assets. This is exactly what Ford did not do. Ford, on the other hand, did the exact opposite, and found a way around social responsibility. Ford avoided the society’s safety, just so that they could make a profit. Ethics were thrown out the window, as was safety, and all it did was bring harm to the people buying these cars. Ford should have tried not only to make a profit, but to also a better model to offer better safety for society. In chapter 5, it also states that advocates of social responsibility justify it with three basic arguments. First, it is an ethical duty to promote social justice. A timeless principle is that power should be used fairly. If it harms or fails society, it is badly used. Second, social responsibility is practical. It has concrete benefits, which include loyal customers. Ford abused these because they abused their power and used poor ethics in doing

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