
Foreign Business Inequalities

Decent Essays

A misconception with the current American economy is that foreign businesses are strangling the employment of working class citizens. This problem does not lie within the evil of others, but with the internal calamity of American businesses and government regulation. Porter elaborates in revealing that “American competitiveness is important not only for firms based or founded in the U.S. but also for foreign firms that operate in the country. Foreign firms contribute to U.S. prosperity if they bring productive activities to the U.S. that provide jobs at attractive wages. U.S. affiliates of foreign firms accounted for nearly 5% of U.S. private employment in 2009” (Porter 1). Foreign business assist in employing a significant amount of American workers, whilst thousands (perhaps millions) of American positions have been relocated in Asia and other small wage regions by large scale corporations.

The inequalities of this country are evident, and now the question is how they can be addressed and attended. The means to which this answer can be procured is from looking at …show more content…

Every human being must be held to the same criteria and standard if this country is to be efficient in its capitalist model, and that the work of the individual can see benefit and the work of the corporation cannot see dominance. Basic services must be a human right, one that cannot be denied based upon money or prestige, because then the bind of poverty would not prove absolute. Those who take advantage of the privilege they have been given must be held accountable, as to bring protection to those who are afflicted. The true power of the United States economy lies within cooperation and compassion, not greed and hostility. For if this nation is to maintain and develop, these aspects must be the center of focus as the only way towards the future is

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