The smell of death reeks upon the city , a limbless body lays upon the asphalt, mutilated and crushed. It’s 10:37 P.M. with sirens roaring overhead of San Antonio and red, and blue lights flashing, “Get this scene secured and get those tapes up!” yelled the forensic investigator. “My God, what maniac could have done this.” After a thorough search around the body. “Detective, what should we do, there’s no useful evidence around.” “Are you serious, look again. I want something at least.” The assistant runs off as his boss commands. In a nearby bank, 9 hours later, Walter an overweight, short man with a bd comb over, who works as an accountant, is sitting down behind the counter waiting for people on a quiet morning. Ding! The door opens and …show more content…
I got more important business to take care of than to talk to you.” “Oh really now, what business? It’s empty here Walter. Empty. Jeez, so rude to your girlfriend.” “Just leave!” Isabelle stomps her foot while uttering a few inaudible words and leaves furiously.“Who’s she calling girlfriend anyway, I don’t have the time for those things.” Walter thinks as he gets back to work for the customer that walks in after Isabelle leaves. After work Walter makes his way to the gas station when he was interrupted by a detective. “Excuse me, sir, but have you heard about the recent murder?” the detective questioned. “Yeah, I heard it was pretty gruesome.” Walter answered. “Let me know if you hear anything.” As the detective walks away she notices a smirk on the man’s face. Back at the precinct, Detective read over the case files. “Swanson, can you come in here please?” A large burly man walks in with a stain on his tie walks in. “Was the lunch good, Swanson?” the detective says pointing out the stain. “Yes, it was. What did you want me …show more content…
To her surprise, he was nowhere in sight. Being the deranged woman she was, she found her way to the residence of Mr. Berdingle. As if she had no common sense, without knocking, she walked straight into the home. A pungent unidentifiable stench wreaked havoc on Isabelle’s nostrils yet she still ventured forward. Further down the hall, she heard bangs, clatters, and glass being shattered. Slowly, she peaked through the crack in the door. To her demise, she saw Walter striking an elderly man. Instead of running, she continued looking with certain dread. She watched until the distressed man reached his bitter
Walter does not feel like he is the man of the house so Mama and Walter sit down and discuss it. She tells him,
“Okay, nevermind. I don’t need to know your previous profession. I just need to know if you want to become a detective’s sidekick today!” Bobby Bo’s face lit up, and he smiled expectantly at me. Honestly, I did not have anything else to do that day, and the crime scene was beginning to get incredibly boring. And, dressed as he was, I was beginning to feel bad for the man. But, of course, I was ever skeptical.
These circumstances where Walter causes inconvenience in school is a recurring incident. Walter’s ineptitude to behave himself proposes that he is a character who is careless who just shrugs off
8) How does Mama try to influence Walter at the end of the scene? What does she reveal to him?
Walter’s final comment, “I should get back to work and mind my own business,” sets the groundwork for the subverted theme of invading Walter. 80
In the rest of the chapter, Walter wrote about his hidden voice. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, a poet who he could relate to because she wrote from her heart and about love. In chapter 10 Walter, felt lost. His classmates were talking
It is clear that “Walter” has a serious problem. It has created trouble in his marriage. His wife seems frustrated with him. After reading about “Walter’s” problems, it is clear that his wife has a right to be frustrated with him. Maybe she is a nag, but he forces her to be a nag. She wanted a husband, but instead she got a grown man with the mind of a two-year-old child.
“Did you get a close look at him? Did you notice something, distinct about his appearance?” Detective Johnson asked.
The cops were very coherent when describing when giving the address to Shelly. But in a minute had Shelly already reached at the scene of the accident. Shelly then identifies the body. In the moment, Shelly laid on the floor weeping saying “what could I have
Jean catches Walter on the playground and began to pick on him until Jem came by and told her to stop. Jem invites Walter to eat lunch with them. Jean criticizes Walter for his table manners, but Calpurnia, the family help, punishes her. That night Jean tells her Father about her day and how she does not want to
Walter uses his animated fantasies to escape his harsh realities. This allows him to cope with the constant vexations from his wife. Likewise the women from “A Jury of Her Peers” try defying their husbands. The women were instructed to stay in the kitchen as the men solve the mystery, and if they happen to stumble on something they were to report it to the men, but they didn’t. The women actually solved the case.
He gets a job as an unskilled worker in the garments industry. He is horrified to see in the newspaper: the murder of a familiar customer. He retells the tale to his shrink,
In the secret life of Walter
Walter was upset when he heard his mother had spent the insurance money on the house and thought it wasn't fair that Beneatha got some of it for her medical school while he got nothing for his liquor store business. Lena, who always wanted her son to be happy, trustingly gave the rest of the insurance money to Walter. Holding the money in his hands, Walter thanked his mother and appreciated the trust she had in him. Walter then gave the money to his buddies to help him getting his liquor license without realizing that they betrayed him. As his dream crumbled to pieces, Walter was regret that he didn't listen to his mother, wife and sister.
turned to his press secretary and said, “If I’ve lost Walter, I’ve lost Mr. Average Citizen.”