
Foreshadow Deceit Quotes

Decent Essays

HOST: Why was deceit important in Part 1?

MCEWAN: Deceit was important in Part 1 as it foreshadows towards Paul and Lola’s lies. The first-time deceit is shown as important is when Paul meets the Quincey siblings. My characterisation of Paul gives the readers an insight into his greedy and unscrupulous behaviour, only portraying his successfulness. While my characterisation of Lola portrays that she is young and naive, having no idea of the fire she is playing with. Lola wants to be seen as an adult and tries to act older than her years. As Paul meets the family he offers Lola a chocolate bar, and in a seductive voice forces her to “bite it” (Pg. 62). This first encounter is when Paul sees her as an innocent little girl, wanting to be treated …show more content…

167). Lola does nothing to sway her cousin or deny it was Robbie. Through their deception it led to an innocent man being accused. Although Paul and Lola get married and never reveal their lie, my deception foreshadows the rest of their lives. With both bitterness and pity Briony notes, “what luck that was for Lola… to marry her rapist” (Pg. 324). Obviously, we know Lola was willing to see Robbie’s reputation tumble, just so Paul can be protected, when we later learn that Briony would be sued if she published her book revealing the real truth of Lola’s lifetime. Because of deceit, the readers learn that if you have money you are secure, and see the consequences placed onto Robbie. So yes, over the course of the novel the deceit never revealed and …show more content…

The first time that my characterisation is important in distinguishing class distinction is when it is found out that Robbie was one of John Tallis’ cases of showing off to society. John funds Robbie’s education and treats him as a son but as we really know “he was a hobby of Jack’s, living proof of some levelling principle he had perused through the years” (Pg. 151). Whenever he spoke about Robbie it was with a touch of self-righteous clearance. This is the first time that Robbie’s case foreshadows his future and where he stands in society. The scene where Robbie is suspected of rape instead of Paul is when the reader gets an image of the importance between Paul and Robbie. This is the beginning of the climax and where the issue begins. Due to Paul’s position and wealth, it foreshadows the future ahead for Robbie and eliminates and suspicion against Paul. When Robbie is sent to prison, Paul instantly becomes out of suspicion, and has his freedom. Robbie was framed as a “sex maniac” (Pg.119) who needs to be controlled. The outcome of my ideas teaches that class distinction cloud’s people’s perspectives. It proves that the poor are always guilty, and the rich innocent. So, through my characterisation of Paul and Robbie, it highlights the importance of class distinction between victim and

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