
The Most Dangerous Game Foreshadowing Examples

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Some of you might be wondering, what is foreshadowing?. Well, foreshadowing is a writer’s use of hints or clues to indicate events and situations that will occur later in the plot. In the short story, “ The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell, There are many sections that leaves hints of anticipation for the readers so they are willing to read on further. The author shows foreshadowing by showing the crew’s emotions, how the name of the island shows danger, and how General Zaroff sentences show that something would happen in the future.

The crews emotions and feelings about the island constructs expectancy for the reader. According to Connell, ‘“The crew’s nerves seemed a bit jumpy”’( Connell, 40). Which indicated that something bad was going to happen. There was also more foreshadowing when Whitney stated that “‘sailors have an extra sense that tells them when they are in danger”’ (Connell, 41). Then Whitney stated that Captain Neilson was acting strange and that all she “‘could get out of him was: this place has an evil name among seafaring men”’ (Connell, 40). These are all examples that form portend and shows that later in the story someone will fall off the boat and be trapped there. …show more content…

In the short story Connell writes that “‘sailors have a curious dread about the place”’ (Connell, 39). This shows foreshadowing because if the name did not already show it, even the sailors were scared of the island. It also stated that everything was “‘ like moist black velvet”’ (Connell, 40). Showing that whatever happened to the character, he would have never been able to make out anything since it was pitch dark outside, foretelling that when something happens to the character he will not be able to get back to the boat. This example from the short story brings suspense for the reader that something will happen to the character and stop him from going

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