
Formal Education In Porirua Friday Night By Sam Hunt

Decent Essays

In the poem, Porirua Friday Night by Sam Hunt, there is an important idea. An important idea addressed in this poem is the importance of formal education. Porirua Friday Night is about a young teenage girl from the perspective of the man in the poem. Formal education is important to teenagers because it will help their wellbeing and help them succeed later in life.

An important idea in the poem is formal education. Formal education is education based inside a classroom, taught by trained teachers and is systematic. This idea of formal education is apparent in this text as it says certain phrases such as “A year ago, she’s now left school” meaning that she dropped out of school a year prior to when this poem took place and multiple quotes indicating that she is a teenager or she is of young age such as; “Acne blossoms scarlet on their cheeks”, “Fourteen when I met her first” and “Pinned across this young girl’s breast”. Also, the idea of formal education is apparent in the setting and in the title as it sets place in Porirua, a town of low socioeconomic status meaning that the residents there have low income and perhaps discontinuing can be a common occurrence with can explain the low socioeconomic status with not many people having a high source of income. Being a student partaking in formal education, I am able to relate to this idea as I like the idea of formal education as it helps us to learn better and more clear with experienced teachers and the environment the

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