
Formula for Freedom Essay

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The nation we live in cannot pretend to be perfect nor will it ever be; wars, both violent and silent, are fought to form the laws, places, and people we know. The solutions that are forever written down in history books are composed of a great deal of persuasion. With segregation, those who desire equal rights choose this method to attempt a revolution. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. eventually becomes one of the most well-known activists for the desegregation of the South. King uses logos in “Letter from Birmingham Jail” along with an honest, influential, and knowledgeable tone to clarify the reasons behind his actions that put him in jail in Birmingham.
King demonstrates honesty in his words to the clergymen by having no secrets about his …show more content…

King tells the clergymen quite frankly how he expected to be supported by white religious groups, but disappointment is the result. He feels that the white church should be a strong ally, but he is clearly proven wrong. The church sits silently on the sidelines while injustice ensues. The silence brings King to ask himself, as he sees the beautiful churches of the south, “Who is their God?” (139).
Dr. King proves influential to a number of people who believe in his argument for equal rights for all citizens. Instead of only talking about trying to change what is going on in Birmingham, he takes action. King is not afraid to face imprisonment for standing up for what is right. When direct action becomes necessary and he is called on, he follows through with his promise. He knows what steps to take in nonviolent protest in order to be effective. King addresses the comment that his actions were untimely by telling the clergymen that black people “have waited more than 340 years for their constitutional God-given rights” (133). He tries to negotiate first, but when agreements are made, they are not followed through. After no action is taken, he decides on direct action, which he put off for some time due to the mayoral elections of Birmingham. King even explains to the clergymen how it feels to be treated as black people:
[W]hen you are humiliated day in and day out by nagging signs reading ‘white’ and ‘colored’; when your first name becomes ‘nigger,’ your

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