
Fossil Fuels Impact On Society

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1. Fossil Fuels are natural fuels such as coal or gas that are formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms. Fossil Fuels are formed from plant and animal decay that has been converted to crude oil, coal or natural gas.

2. Coal, oil and natural gas are all examples of fossil fuels that are used in Australia and all over the world. Coal is Australia’s primary fuel source for generating around 73 percent of Australia’s electricity. It is also used in cement manufacturing, food processing and paper manufacturing. Oil in Australia is mainly used for petrol, diesel and kerosene. It is also used in the production of plastics, synthetic fibres like vinyl, nylon, acrylic and polyesters. Natural gas in Australia is mainly used in power stations to produce electricity. It is also used to provide heat for comfort and hot water.

Country (highest to lowest) % Of worlds total
1. USA 27.6%
2. Russia 18.2%
3. China 13.3%
4. Australia 8.9%
5. India 7%

4. …show more content…

Peak oil is the hypothetical point in time when the global production of oil reaches its maximum rate, after which production will gradually decline. Three impacts that ‘peak oil’ will have on the society include the fact that humanity's way of life will be forced to change, products made by oil such as plastic will become rare and the fact that peak oil will have a great impact on food production. Three impacts that ‘peak oil’ will have on the environment include the fact that if oil runs out the world will need another source of energy so they have to dig more to find another source of energy, To extract oil from sandy tar deposits deposits, these places are usually strip-mined—which means the forests and wildlife on the surface are completely cleared away, In the refinement process a lot of fresh water in polluted, turning blue water to

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