
Foucault's Argument Essay

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In sum, the existentialists wanted to keep the transcendental horizon sponged-up while limiting and focussing the lex orandi; lex credindi fallout to the individual. For them, European nihilism becomes the springboard for the Superman. Life belongs to those who take responsibility for human freedom or do not craven but relishes existence awash in the Absurd. What both Sartre and Camus under-appreciated, however, was the systemic influences on the existential subject. As postwar Europa drew lines in the sand settling into walls, a nervous calm ensued. International economic and political networks fostered ever more open relations in the North Atlantic world. Neocolonial capitalism divided nations into First, Second, and Third worlds – the first became, and still in many ways are, the voyeuristic playthings of the first two. Even more, in the worlds carrying the arbitrary mark First, a coruscant future aligning poetry and technology featured in glistening adverts and science fictions became the …show more content…

First, Foucault did not an advocate a particular power structure. Nor does he think humans could live with no power structure. Any system which claims such powerlessness, which claims no genealogy, is blatant ideology. Foucault’s point is more subtle. He wants to wake us from the illusion that we are self-made humans. Society disciplines and educates us all into the banal beatitudes of everyday being (Foucault, ?:?). Such beatitudes prey and spotlight the hopes and fears formed, internalised, and sustained by social powers. A second point, often missed by Foucault’s readers is he did not always advocate direct resistance. Foucault, on the contrary, never committed to confrontational or non-confrontational avenues of resisting, and evaluating the powers which grip our lives (?:?). Thinkers should, if anything, suppress the reactionary temptation. We should always take a reflective moment as power dynamics change; doing otherwise is

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